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Monday, October 1, 2007

I dunno

five-thirty in the morning. Sleepy. Not sleepy . Rummaging blogs for left-over philosophy. Bolt of lightning. Enlightenment. Nothing-can-help-you. Precimark . muddle-hood . CAT. Apping proffs . Arbit talks . IIM A dreams. Friends. College sucks. Nothing matters. Book. Failure project. Cartoons. Coffee. Artificial intelligence vs natural imbecility . Financial know-how. To be or not to be.Mental map. Academic blogs. Tim harford. Starry eyed dreams . Unknown fears. Too many plans. Lazy syndrome. Counselling . Human interface. Confusion clouds . The page cannot be displayed. Cannot contact server....

1 comment:

GaUtAm sHaRmA said...


must applaud d way u described ur state of mind... superb!!!(much similar 2 mine, wen it comes 2 studying[:p])

bit sleepy now.. will read d blog 2mrw :)
