Lately I was toying around with a very strange feeling and as I tried to test it on my friends, the complexity grew day by day. It’s not that I possess some supernatural power or practicing some ancient dark art, but the fact that I can sense, rather can predict someone’s real nature quite comfortably drives me to think harder in this direction. Now I know this is a vague comment to be made, but the sheer accuracy is sometimes baffling. I know everybody thinks they know their spouse, friend, boyfriend ….and everybody in their immediate contact but its not the case every time, our brain is something greater than all this. A person can fool around with all the people all the time hiding his/her true intentions, desires, fantasies and thoughts, although there are subtle actions that give it all away. I am also reading an intriguing book, Mind Wide Open by Steven Johnson, and I came across this paragraph….interesting enough to quote and give a fair idea that our brain has evolved to be something incomprehensible by us. I don’t know how correct I am because there is no absolute scale to judge my correctness, may be they are just ramifications of a bored soul…ha ha..Who cares??? But Paras and Aditya , I want you people to comment if I am wrong with the judgments…
” say it’s an office holiday party—and you run into a coworker with whom you have an unspoken rivalry. It’s one of those relationships that is chummy on the surface, but right beneath there’s a competitive energy that neither side acknowledges. When you first encounter your colleague, there’s the usual pleasant banter, but before long he’s confessed to you that something has gone wrong with his career trajectory: either he’s lost a big account at work or the fellowship didn’t come through or the last batch of short stories got rejected. Whatever it is, it’s bad news. It’s the sort of news that a friend should perhaps greet with a concerned, doleful expression, which is exactly the expression that you deliberately contort your face into as he delivers the news.
The trouble is, you’re only a friend on the surface. Below the surface, you’re a rival, and a rival wants to grin at this news, wants to relish the schadenfreude. And so for a split second, as you’re hearing the fateful syllables roll off his tongue, his tone foreshadowing his disappointment before the sentence is even complete, you let out the slightest hint of a grin.
And then an intricate dance begins. As your face wraps itself up in dutiful concern, you detect a flash of something in his face, a momentary startle that says, “Were you just smiling right there?” Perhaps his eyes suddenly lock on to your pupils, or he pauses in midsentence as though something has distracted him. In your mind, an interior closed-captioning emerges: “Did he see that grin?” As you offer your condolences, you can’t help wondering if your words sound cruel rather than comforting. “Is he thinking that I’m faking all this sympathy? Maybe I should tone it down a notch just in case.”
SEE, it's all too evident, so the best way to live your life is to be as natural as possible....pretension won't take you anywhere..
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
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If Aakanksha asks for a comment on her post, I bound to comment. :)
Well, as far as I can say (and not being too egotistical), I am an epitome of candor. I hardly recall any instance when I faked my feelings. I never do that, so it is hard for me to comment on your post. But, nevertheless, I will try to.
Candor always is not the right thing. Logically, there are a few situation when you really need to fake certain things for the good of all.
People tell lies either because of the strange pleasure they derive from knowing that they know their true feelings and knowledge while the other person doesn't, hence they feel superior. Or they tell lies due to sheer necessity.
I also fake certain things just sheer humor of the act. But I make sure I confess the fact that I faked something at the end of conversation, something which startles many people (but I enjoy that too).
I don't know if I am making much sense in what I wrote above, but see, I am candid and I wrote whatever I could think of. I did not fake anything about and did not use backspace even once... :)
[PS: But how can u tell if I am lying or not]
mmm... reading minds okay first off , honestly why concern yourself with whats goin on in someone else's head.
okay forget that, assuming u re trying to read minds for fun (or say testing ur perceptivity),its not always as simple as the situation u ve depicted.i know for a fact that u re not a huge fan of psychology but u would ve noticed how sometimes u can tell abt a person whom u dont know at all just by silent observation and tell nothing about a person whom u know so well.confusing? i ll justify, look when u speak to a person his/her mind is on guard and so he/she will never let out his/her true emotions.silent observation for me is the only way u can catch the person off guard and that wil help u read the mind just like a book.
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