Yeah..u read it right. It’s all about fooling randomness. Life is a mission, a mission to waste your time and here i am doing the same. After brooding about the fact on how nothing matters ultimately in our life spans, I have a quite-obvious question to brood about...What should we do then?? keep making fools of ourselves?? I must say, when it comes to life's philosophy, i am a big fan of Ayn Rand and I believe firmly that her way is THE way. We as humans, have no moral obligation towards anybody apart from ourselves. Philanthropy is not justified. Religion is not justified. Justice is not justified. Love. Hatred. Friends. Foes. Family.Patriotism.Politics anything.. It just doesn't work.. Then what works??
Work works ... yes.. Your vocation works... Not because you ought to leave a legacy behind. Not because you ought to make the world a better place ...but because its probably the only thing which makes you feel less stupid the end of the day..
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Fooled by randomness.... part 2
Did I say life is a joke? Yes indeed it is, the cruelest joke ever played by nature and probability. Take the case of a scientist who was foolish enough to research into calendars when it was known that it is the earth which is the center of the universe and all the other planets revolve around it. Imagine that in his lifetime he managed to publish such a calendar and died peacefully. Wasn’t his life a joke? What about the person who got hanged for voicing his opinions that it’s the sun which is the center? I have taken these two examples because they are different yet are the same. Both the people supported some cause, one was right and the other was wrong, but what was the gain? Nothing.
Let’s get to the present day, Religious fanatics….Politicians…Capitalists… people who have an opinion, and the people who don’t have it. Nothing matters ULTIMATELY.
We hear cases of students committing suicides because of bad results, take it this way, how does it matter to the earth that someone’s performance was bad? How does it matter to the universe how much marks are you getting in your chemistry exam? Yet, we slog day in and out. Funny??
How about a person who killed three more people because he believed that his religion was not followed by them? How does it matter to another person sitting in a continent across him whether he did the right thing or the wrong one? If it doesn’t matter to a person who is sharing the same planet as yours, do you think it matters at all?? That anything matters at all?
No . It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. Now what? Why are the people ignorant of this fact? Because it is the truest truth. Because humans suffer from the stigma of escapism. We give the example of the ostrich hiding its neck in deep mud when it sees danger, aren’t we doing the same? We refuse to admit the reality that we indeed are nothing. We have been bred and brought up on the EGO word, the community word, the religion word and the money word. We have been spoon-fed dangerous notions in our mind. Basically every notion that is obnoxious is dangerous. Every thing that pushes into the realm of more-than required is dangerous. Now who defines the regular? What is right if nothing is ? What will a man do suddenly when he’s told that all the principles and the values that were stuffed into him were nothing?
I feel at this point I should feel lucky to have been born in India, where questions of such character have not only been asked for but also have been answered in a more or less refined manner. Though I haven’t read much of him, but I think the “middle path” defined by Buddha was based on the same philosophy of not attaching undue importance to anything. In my terms, the IDEAL human life should be led like chameleons..
Read more to assist me in my journey of fooling randomness…
Let’s get to the present day, Religious fanatics….Politicians…Capitalists… people who have an opinion, and the people who don’t have it. Nothing matters ULTIMATELY.
We hear cases of students committing suicides because of bad results, take it this way, how does it matter to the earth that someone’s performance was bad? How does it matter to the universe how much marks are you getting in your chemistry exam? Yet, we slog day in and out. Funny??
How about a person who killed three more people because he believed that his religion was not followed by them? How does it matter to another person sitting in a continent across him whether he did the right thing or the wrong one? If it doesn’t matter to a person who is sharing the same planet as yours, do you think it matters at all?? That anything matters at all?
No . It doesn’t matter. Nothing matters. Now what? Why are the people ignorant of this fact? Because it is the truest truth. Because humans suffer from the stigma of escapism. We give the example of the ostrich hiding its neck in deep mud when it sees danger, aren’t we doing the same? We refuse to admit the reality that we indeed are nothing. We have been bred and brought up on the EGO word, the community word, the religion word and the money word. We have been spoon-fed dangerous notions in our mind. Basically every notion that is obnoxious is dangerous. Every thing that pushes into the realm of more-than required is dangerous. Now who defines the regular? What is right if nothing is ? What will a man do suddenly when he’s told that all the principles and the values that were stuffed into him were nothing?
I feel at this point I should feel lucky to have been born in India, where questions of such character have not only been asked for but also have been answered in a more or less refined manner. Though I haven’t read much of him, but I think the “middle path” defined by Buddha was based on the same philosophy of not attaching undue importance to anything. In my terms, the IDEAL human life should be led like chameleons..
Read more to assist me in my journey of fooling randomness…
Children of probability. Fooled by randomness....
I am sorry to have taken (read stolen) the title of this post, from Taleb sir, but I must compliment him for this title, because I think these words are the best description for our stay at planet earth. Amongst all the GOD theories and miracles, there exists this theory which puts to use the evolutionary concept. I am told by all such books that WE, the humans were not a result of God’s wishes, but were the results of probability. So, we are the children, the progeny of probability. We happened by chance, life happened by chance. So are we programmed to be fooled by randomness?? If yes, can’t we exit the program?? If no, then what is the best way to escape this loop and still be a part of it??
I know I would be sounding confusing to a majority of people, so I would simplify, not for their sake, but for mine too, in the hope that I would find my answers in that simplification. But to search for answers, we must have questions. And for questions, we must have doubts in the existing system of answering these very questions.
It is said that humans were not created in a flash; they were the results of a continuous growth, the growth of a chain...the chain of evolution. But so were the animals, the reptiles, the birds and the plants. This in turn implies that probability gave us no preference over them; we were all equal in our paths to evolution. Then suddenly, we found that we were the first among equals, in our added share of responsibility, in our added accessories of consciousness and emotions. These accessories soon became the albatrosses around our necks.
We were programmed to reproduce and contribute to the never ending chain (we don’t know whether chain is the right word for it or a loop) and these accessories were appended to make our life a bit easier, but these accessories have been wrongly taken, we have attached primary importance to them. We are so much into these chains of gold that we don’t realize that we are nothing. WE mean nothing individually as well as collectively, we just have to contribute and pass away.
But how do we spend the time? Eighty years or seventy years is not a short span of time, to be whiled away, so we invented things to occupy ourselves. Vocations, entertainment, religion and festivals. We invented the mindsets who invented things, we invented the mindsets who followed them, defied them and ignored them.
Another question arises..WHY?? Why all this pain??
Another answer..Because we have to survive…because we have to contribute..because if we won’t do it, someone else will. I feel the strongest and the most blunt truth was the statement “ Survival of the fittest”. This statement catches the philosophy behind our existence and it is the most cruel joke. you know why?? read on...
I know I would be sounding confusing to a majority of people, so I would simplify, not for their sake, but for mine too, in the hope that I would find my answers in that simplification. But to search for answers, we must have questions. And for questions, we must have doubts in the existing system of answering these very questions.
It is said that humans were not created in a flash; they were the results of a continuous growth, the growth of a chain...the chain of evolution. But so were the animals, the reptiles, the birds and the plants. This in turn implies that probability gave us no preference over them; we were all equal in our paths to evolution. Then suddenly, we found that we were the first among equals, in our added share of responsibility, in our added accessories of consciousness and emotions. These accessories soon became the albatrosses around our necks.
We were programmed to reproduce and contribute to the never ending chain (we don’t know whether chain is the right word for it or a loop) and these accessories were appended to make our life a bit easier, but these accessories have been wrongly taken, we have attached primary importance to them. We are so much into these chains of gold that we don’t realize that we are nothing. WE mean nothing individually as well as collectively, we just have to contribute and pass away.
But how do we spend the time? Eighty years or seventy years is not a short span of time, to be whiled away, so we invented things to occupy ourselves. Vocations, entertainment, religion and festivals. We invented the mindsets who invented things, we invented the mindsets who followed them, defied them and ignored them.
Another question arises..WHY?? Why all this pain??
Another answer..Because we have to survive…because we have to contribute..because if we won’t do it, someone else will. I feel the strongest and the most blunt truth was the statement “ Survival of the fittest”. This statement catches the philosophy behind our existence and it is the most cruel joke. you know why?? read on...
Thursday, August 16, 2007
I dn't wanna go..
It's again the time to go to college, and i just don't wanna go. Apart from the world class ambience of my college, there is one more thing which is not allowing me to go.....that 3 hour journey, though I go in a cab now, shivering all along because of the effective ac, but the very thought of sharing my space with seven motormouths makes me shudder. Neways, i have to lunch is ready ...and now i have to drag myself to the bathroom once again.. :(
I am thinking of so many advantages home would offer me if only i stay here..i am excited that i could complete two-three chapters of the book i am writing , work on my project , read a lot and then a weekend to sustain the enthu...but my mom doesnt want her efforts to get wasted ..she woke up early for i HAVE to go... lunch is ready ...and now i have to drag myself to the bathroom once again.. :(
I am thinking of so many advantages home would offer me if only i stay here..i am excited that i could complete two-three chapters of the book i am writing , work on my project , read a lot and then a weekend to sustain the enthu...but my mom doesnt want her efforts to get wasted ..she woke up early for i HAVE to go...
Monday, August 13, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Very often, a time comes in the lifetime of an individual, a society or a nation when it has to undo all the learning that has been done to make way for a new idea, a new path of living. This path might not seem suitable or easy for people to tread on, but it might be the closest to victory. India also got a chance to halt and look back at all the misdoings that had been done, at all the times when action was called for and still they weren’t performed. India got a chance to undo the learning that was making her and her people slaves and to relearn the new way. It was September 28, 1907 when India got Bhagat Singh, a revolutionary who revolutionized the destiny of a nation. Today, he is reborn every minute in the form of Satyendra Dubey or Manjunath and unfortunately he is still being hanged on the alters for speaking the truth and for upholding the principles that we as a society have manufactured to provide a veil of secrecy. I know this is not news now and this is precisely the reason I am penning this, we have more of a maniac attachment with dates and anniversaries, come 15 august and the editorials will bloom about how the India dreamt of and how the present India is so contrasting, and how the ultimate sacrifice of martyrs is going down the drain. Somehow, I don’t fall into this date trap, the best news for me being the one which people have long forgotten. I came across this article by Bhagat Singh, and the title says it all. It made me excited the moment I realized that indeed this was the written word by the man himself and finally I would get a chance to peep into the most mysterious minds of the century. Click here to read the article written by Bhagat Singh :
Why I Am An Atheist
Why I Am An Atheist
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